The Way We Left It
Nov 2023 - March 2024
Curated by Holly Williams-Richards
In collaboration with Pipeline Gallery, The Wilson Art Gallery and Museum is proud to present the works of 5 artists originally hailing from Gloucestershire. Pipeline gallery invited these 5 artists, now working across the UK, to come back to Cheltenham and see if the town is really the same as when they left.
The Way We Left it touches on the changing arts scene in Cheltenham and looks to investigate how we build better communities for creatives in places like Gloucestershire. With a series of interactive displays alongside contemporary works, the viewer is invited to have their say, share their stories, and connect with the exhibition.
Pipeline Gallery is on a mission to present challenging works of contemporary art and build an arts scene that support and nourishes local creative talent. Working with students, graduates and emerging artists The Way We Left it is part of a wider programme of works creating opportunities for local people and investigating how we build better communities for artists.
Artists: Joe Moss, Dinosaur Kilby, Otto Gobey, Maisie Pack, Holly Williams-Richards.
Dinosaur Kilby
Thank you Spongebob.
The mocking Spongebob meme, for people that don’t know, comes from the children’s TV programme Spongebob Squarepants. It gained popularity online in 2017, it shows Spongbob bent over, arms behind his back, not looking dissimilar to a chicken. The text of the meme is in alternating lower and upper case, the reader reads in an imagined mocking affected voice. An example of this meme includes "Americans: I need healthcare because I have cancer and I'm dying. Republicans: I NeEd hEaLtHcArE bEcAuSe I hAvE caNcEr aNd iM dYinG."
‘This is a local shop, for local people’ is a popular catchphrase from The League of Gentlemen. It’s spoken by Tubbs, the shop owner in Royston Vasey, the town in which the TV show is set. This insistence of the customers of the shop being from the local area is ofcourse preposterous. What is Rural Art? Who are Rural People? We’re a long fucking way from New York, we’re a long way from London for that matter.
My banner references both of these points from internet culture and draws attention to the art scene in Gloucestershire. What do artists need here? Are the institutions supporting them?
Rural Art for Rural People is obviously a nonsense statement. However with the increased cutting of arts funding and the neo-liberal hell scape in which we live. London (The Man) is treating you like sh*t. You’re just rural people, so here’s some rural art. Chocolate box paintings of fields with sheep or something, I dunno.
If you want to make something, that might have some chance of effecting someone in a positive way, or even heaven forbid making a mark on THEHISTORYOFART then you need to see what is being taken seriously. You can’t see that here, that’s why I went to Birmingham. Contemporary art should be for everyone, but where’s Gloucester’s contemporary art gallery? Actually where’s Gloucestershire’s anything? Rural artists need to organise and network, and support each other.
What I will say is Gloucestershire has some of the best folk traditions across the UK. When people ask me where I’m from I say, do you know the Cheese Roll?
Dinosaur Kilby
Oct 2023
Burn Fortress London
P.S. Thank you Holly Williams-Richards for all you are doing. Keep going.
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